
Bangladesh Bank Asst. Director Written Model

1. Write an essay on ‘The Role of Opposition in Democracy.

2. ‘বাংলাদেশের অর্থনৈতিক উন্নয়ন ও বীমা খাত : সমস্যা ‘ও সম্ভাবনা’— রচনা লিখুন ।

3. Translate the following passage in Bangla

Bangladesh is now apparently in the grip of all sorts of pollution like air pollution and water pollution. Air pollution comes from a wide variety of sources. In Bangladesh poisonous exhaust from industrial plants, brick kilns, old or poorly serviced vehicles and dust from roads and construction sites are some of the major sources of air pollution. We can reduce this type of pollution by making less use of mother vehicles and avoiding the use of vehicles older than 20 years.

4. Translate the following passage into English

জনসংখ্যা সমস্যা আমাদের দেশের একটি বড় সমস্যা। আমাদের জনসংখ্যা বেড়েই চলেছে। দেশের লোকের স্বাস্থ্য তেমন ভালো নয়। তাদের অনেকেই অপুষ্টিতে ভুগছে । যে পরিমাণ খাদ্য তাদের জন্য প্রয়োজন তা তারা পায় না। আমরা পর্যাপ্ত পরিমাণ খাদ্য উৎপাদন করতে পারি না। অধিক খাদ্য উৎপাদন করে খাদ্য চাহিদা পূরণ করা সম্ভব। সেজন্য আমাদের প্রচুর পরিশ্রম করতে হবে। আমাদের খাদ্য সমস্যা সমাধানের জন্য বৈজ্ঞানিক পদ্ধতিতে চাষ করতে হবে।

এই বিভাগ থেকে আরো পড়ুন

5. Mathematics

a. Proof of identity of 115 people was verified. 65 of them had Passport, 30 of them had both Passport and Voter ID. However, 15 of them could not produce any identity documents. How many of them showed up only with Voter ID?

b. Mr. Rashid has saved Taka 1,200 from his first month’s salary. He plans to increase his monthly savings by Taka 100 in every following month. How much time would it take to save Taka 1,06,200?

c. Solve the equation: 2(x+3/x-3)2-7(x+3/x-3)2+6=0

d. The area of a rectangle is 1200 square meter. If the length of the rectangle is reduced by 10 meter, it becomes a square. Calculate the length of the diagonal of the rectangle.

e. A Rhombus has an area of 120 square meter and the length of its one diagonal is 10 meter. Calculate the perimeter of the Rhombus.

6. Write a precis of the following paragraph and provide a title.

Despite some people’s belief that money is the root of all evils, a world without money would be worse. It is wrong to think of all lenders of money as mere leeches, sucking the life’s blood out, unfortunate debtors. Loan sharks may behave that way, but banks have evolved since the days of the Medici precisely in order to facilitate the movement of money from point…… only when savers can put their money in reliable banks that is can be chanticleer from the idle to the industrious or from the thrifty to the spendthrift. The evolution of banking sectors was thus the essential first step in the ascent of money.

7. General Knowledge.

a. Which country announces diplomatic boycott of Beijing Winter Olympic Games 2022?”
b. Who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2022?
c. What number UN General assembly is held in September 2022?
d. What is the name of the central Bank of Russia?
e. When did Dr. Akber Ali Khan, the prominent economist of Bangladesh die?

8. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below

The Italian banking system became the model for their north Europeans nations that would achieve the greatest commercial success in the coming centuries, notably the Dutch, the English, and the Swedish. It was a Amsterdam, London and Stockholm that the new decisive wave of financial innovation occurred, as the forerunners of modern central banks made their first appearance. The seventeen century saw the foundation of three distinctly novel institutions that, in their different ways, were intended to serve a public as well as a private financial function……. But banks played a more important role in continental European, industrialization than they did in England’s.

Question :

a. Where did the precursors of modern central banks make their first appearance?
b. What practical problem was the Wisselbank required to resolve in its initial days?
c. How did the Amsterdam Exchange Bank respond to the demand of the age?

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