In this part we’ll discuss about The Metaphysical poetry and the famous Metaphysical Poet John Donne.Lets start-
Who was the famous metaphysical poet?
John Donne
What makes John Donne a metaphysical poet?
“Donne is metaphysical not only by virtue of his scholasticism but by his deep reflective interest in the experiences of which his poetry is the expression, the new psychological curiosity with which he writes of love and religion.”
What are the main features of metaphysical poetry?
Exaggerated often outlandish imagery.
Use of scientific, literary jargon or imagery.
Telescoping of images.
Use of metaphysical conceits.
Use of paradoxes and puns.
What is Metaphysical Poetry?
It is also in our knowledge that “meta” means beyond and “physics” means physical nature. In simple words, metaphysical poetry is that in which a poet remains away from the description of physical intimacy.
What are the elements of metaphysical poetry?
The basic elements of “metaphysical poetry” include a certain naturalness and directness of language, an emphasis on the argumentative (often taking the form of the use of questions), and use of hyperbole and allusion; the metaphysical poets’ subject matter is usually philosophical or divine.
Is Donne as a metaphysical poet?
Donne (1572 – 1631) was the most influential metaphysical poet. John Donne is a metaphysical poet because every element of metaphysical poetry exists in his poems. Every critic appreciated the contribution of John Donne in metaphysical poetry. He was the one, who created new kind of poetry in those days when everyone was following the tradition. His personal relationship with spirituality is at the center of most of his work, and the psychological analysis and sexual realism of his work marked a dramatic departure from traditional, genteel verse.
What is metaphysical conceit?
Metaphysical conceit is a comparison between spiritual aspects and worldly things. In other words the two heterogeneous ideas were yoked together. For example: “He compares himself and his beloved with two hemispheres of the world ” in ‘Good Morrow‘ by John Donne.
What is a conceit?
Conceit is a figure of speech in which two vastly different objects are likened together with the help of similes, metaphors, imagery, hyperbole and oxymora. One of the most famous conceits is John Donne’s “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning”, a poem in which Donne compares two souls in love to the points on a geometer’s compass.
What is a conceit in poetry?
A conceit is a kind of metaphor that compares two very unlike things in a surprising and clever way. Often, conceits are extended metaphors that dominate an entire passage or poem. Metaphysical poet John Donne was known for his conceits (often called metaphysical conceits).A conceit is a special type of comparison because the two things compared are so unalike/diverse/different that it gives us pause. Conceits are used to create unique comparisons and to describe unlikely situations. Examples of Conceit: Marriage is like getting a root canal.
What are the three moods of love in Donne’s poems?
The three moods of love in Donne’s poetry are cynical love (anti woman), conjugal love(married life) and Platonic love(spiritual)
What is a cynical love?
Cynicism is an attitude of scornful or jaded negativity, especially a general distrust of the integrity or professed motives of others. So cynical love is anti-woman and hostile to the fair sex. It indicates the frailty of man — a matter of advantage for lovers who like casual and extra-marital relations with ladies.
Define conjugal love in Donne’s poems?
Conjugal love is the married life. Donne’s poem “A Valediction: forbidding mourning” is one example of conjugal love.
What is sensuous love?
Sensuous love is a physical love or sexual love. In this love the animal passion for bodily love.
What is hyperbole?
Hyperbole is the use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device or figure of speech. It is used to create emphasis on a situation. It may be used to evoke strong feelings or to create a strong impression, but is not to meant to be taken literally. For example, “I had to wait in the station for ten days – an eternity”. (The Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad)
What are some common themes in the poems of John Donne?
Love as both physical and spiritual, religion, death and the hereafter, paradoxes, belittling cosmic forces, interconnectedness of humanity, and fidelity are the common themes in the poem of John Donne.
What is personification?
In his sonnet “Death, be not proud”, John Donne chooses to use personification. He personifies death in order to emphasize the idea that Christians have victory over death, and the promise of eternal life, where death is no more.
Is The Sun Rising personification?
In “The Sun Rising,” Donne uses both personification and symbolism of the sun to demonstrate the power and strength of his relationship. In the first stanza, the sun represents the passing of time. As indicated in lines 9-10, the sun marks the passing of days, months, and years.
What is paradox?
An example of a paradox is “Waking is dreaming”. A paradox is a figure of speech in which a statement appears to contradict itself. This type of statement can be described as paradoxical. A compressed paradox comprised of just a few words is called an oxymoron.
What is metaphor in the poem?
Metaphor is a common poetic device where an object in, or the subject of, a poem is described as being the same as another otherwise unrelated object.
What is metaphor and example?
A metaphor is a figure of speech that is used to make a comparison between two things that aren’t alike but do have something in common. … A metaphor uses this similarity to help the writer make a point: Her tears were a river flowing down her cheeks.
What is an allusion?
An allusion is a casual reference to a person, place, event, or another passage of literature, often without explicit identification. Allusions can originate in mythology, biblical references, historical events, legends, geography, or earlier literary works. For example, “Don’t act like a Romeo in front of her.” – “Romeo” is a reference to Shakespeare’s Romeo, a passionate lover of Juliet in “Romeo and Juliet”.
What is Secular love?
Secular love. What is that? Secular means the separation between church and state. Nonreligious love can go from a light short encounter to a deep and lifelong relationship. There are no descriptive musts in such a relationship.
Batter my heart a Holy Sonnet?
‘Batter my Heart,’ also known as ‘Holy Sonnet 14,’ is one of Donne’s best religious poems. It is directed at God and asks him to take hold of the speaker. … Holy Sonnets focus on religious matters, and, particularly, on themes such as mortality, divine love, and divine judgment.
What is the metaphysical conceit in the sun rising?
The main conceit or metaphor of “The Sun Rising” is the personification of the sun into an old man – a “busy old fool” – whose business it is to get everyone out of bed and on the way to work. The persona adopted by the poet sees fit to argue with the sun, and this creates a comic opening to the poem
What is holy sonnet in poem?
The Holy Sonnets—also known as the Divine Meditations or Divine Sonnets—are a series of nineteen poems by the English poet John Donne (1572–1631). The sonnets were first published in 1633—two years after Donne’s death.