Anglo-Saxon Period (450-1066) and Important Information

Anglo-Saxon Period (450-1066)
This period started in 450 when Angles, Saxons and Jutes came to England from Germany and defeated the English tribes and started their reign. Anglo-Saxon people were mainly warriors, hunters and travelers. The poetry written between 450-1066 is called Anglo-Saxon poetry. Anglo-Saxon poetry was immensely influenced by Christianity.
It is religious, Pagan, myths and heroic deeds. There is a touch of Biblical stories in it. The lines of this poetry are generally love and unrhymed. Anglo-Saxon prose is mainly poetic. Theological! prose writings are seen in this period. Major Literary works of this period : “Beowulf”, The Seafarer”, “The Wanderer”, “The Husband Message”, “The Wife Lament”. “Anglo-Saxon Chronicles” are the remarkable literary works of this period.
Important Information
Anglo-Saxon period is the oldest period of English literature. Before the 7th century, the literature was not written and was completely oral. In the 7th century, Christian authorities established monasteries where the practice of the written literature began. Caedmon and Cynewulf are the two main poets of this age.
First epic of this period is-“Beowulf” “Beowulf” The earliest epic of English literature and the best among the Anglo-Saxon poetry. It was discovered as script but and no mention of the name of the writer. It is a narrative poem of 3183 lines and of two parts.
The first part deals with hero’s fight with Grendel and the second part deals with hero’s fight with Dragon. It was written probably in about 650 A.D. It is considered as a collection of heroic episodes. It has a clear Christian note.
MCQ Question Collection
01. ‘Beowulf” is-
a. an epic poem
b. an elegy
c. a novel
d. a burlesque
Correct Answer : an epic poem
02. Which one of the following is first long poem in English?
a. The Wanderer
b. Beowulf
c. The Seafarer
d. Dream of the Road
Correct Answer : Beowulf
03. What is the oldest period of English literature?
a. Anglo-Saxon period
b. Anglo-Norman period
c. Barren period
d. Middle English period
Correct Answer : Anglo-Saxon period
04. How many lines are there in ‘Beowulf ?
a. One thousand
b. two thousand
c. three thousand
d. four thousand
Correct Answer : three thousand
05. What is the first epic of Anglo Saxon period?
a. Beowulf
b. Paraphrase
c. Juliane
d. Le Morte d’Arthur
Correct Answer : Beowulf
06. Who wrote “Beowulf”?
a. Caedmon
b. Cynewulf
c. Venerable Bade
d. No mention of the name of the writer
Correct Answer : No mention of the name of the writer
07. How many parts were there in “Beowulf”?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
Correct Answer : Two
08. What was there in “Beowulf?
a. Moral to men
b. Envision to men
c. Moral Character
d. Mortality of men
Correct Answer : Envision to men
09. Anglo Saxon people were mainly
a. warriors
b. hunters
c. travellers
d. All
Correct Answer : All
10. Anglo Saxon poetry was immensely influenced by
a. Christianity
b. religion
c. myths
d. all
Correct Answer : Christianity
11. What were the remarkable literary works of this period?
a. Anglo Saxon chronicle
b. The wife Lament
c. The Seafarer
d. all
Correct Answer : all
12. What kind of book is ‘Beowulf’?
a. poem
b. prose
c. story
d. poetry
Correct Answer : poem